STA Diploma Part 2

Part 2 Past Papers - Free of charge

Past Papers

Past Papers

STA Diploma Part 2 Examination 19 September 2024

STA Diploma Part 2 Examination

STA Diploma Part 2 Examination

The Summer 2024 STA Diploma Part 2 Examination will be held on 19 September 2024.

Exams are currently held online with online invigilation. We use a combination of Zoom and proprietary software for this and have now successfully held many sets of examinations using these methods.

Deadline for applications to sit the examination is 19 August 2024.

Once you have booked and paid, then an Exam Resources page will be made available to you via the Education tab on your members home page.

Please Note: Only Associate Members of the STA are able to sit the Examination

All bookings are subject to the Terms and Conditions here

Sign in or create an account to register Last day to register is 8/19/2024